113-2 Roundtable 活動主題一覽表

主持老師:Jessica Wong 老師   活動時段:每週一17:15-18:30 





Cancel Culture

  •  Is cancel culture more about holding

people accountable or just public shaming?

  • Should someone be canceled for

something they did a long time ago,

even if they’ve changed?

  • Does cancel culture actually change

people’s behavior, or does it just make

them hide their opinions?

  •  Is cancel culture more common in

Western cultures, or do you think it

exists in Taiwan as well?


LGBTQ+ Rights

  • What do you think is the biggest challenge LGBTQ+ people face today?
  • How do generational differences affect family attitudes toward LGBTQ+ people?
  • How do different cultures around the world view LGBTQ+ identities?
  • What are some personal or societal obstacles that might prevent someone from embracing their LGBTQ+ identity?


Stigma Around Mental Health

  • How do these stereotypes affect people who struggle with mental health issues?
  • Why might someone feel hesitant to seek help for their mental health?
  • Why might mental health issues be seen as a personal or family failure in Taiwanese culture?
  • How do generational differences influence views on mental health? Are younger people more open than older generations?
  • Are men and women treated differently when it comes to mental health? Why might this be the case?


MBTI “Understanding Ourselves”

  • Have you ever had a misunderstanding with someone because of personality differences?
  • Do opposite MBTI types attract, or do similar ones work better together?
  • If your MBTI type was a romantic partner, what kind of date would they plan?
  • Do you think MBTI is accurate, or is it just a fun label?
  • How can understanding MBTI help you in real life (studying, working, relationships)?


Public Speaking, Speak with Confidence: Overcoming Public Speaking Anxiety as a TA

Key Focus Areas:

  • Understanding Public Speaking Anxiety – Why we get nervous & how to manage it
  • Overcoming Language Anxiety – Strategies for non-native speakers to feel more confident
  • Speaking with Clarity & Control – Pacing, pausing, and structuring thoughts effectively
  • Interactive Speaking Drills – Fun exercises to practice quick thinking & fluency
  • Handling Difficult Situations – Strategies for unexpected challenges in the classroom
  • Real-Life Application – Role-playing TA scenarios to build confidence.


Planning For The Future

  • If you could achieve one big thing by the end of 2025, what would it be? Other Questions To Consider:
  • What does a "successful" life look like to you? (Career? Happiness? Money? Relationships?)
  • How do you stay motivated when things don’t go as planned?

Vision Board Activity (30-40 minutes)

Provide magazines, printed quotes, colored paper, markers, stickers, and glue for students to create a collage representing their goals and dreams.

If physical materials aren’t available, students can create a digital vision board using Canva or Pinterest on their phones or laptops.

Encourage them to include a mix of personal, academic, and professional goals (e.g., travel, hobbies, relationships, career, health, mindset).


Classroom Management For TA’s.

Key Focus Areas:

  • Establishing Authority – How to gain respect without being overly strict
  • Speaking with Confidence – Using voice, body language, and presence to command attention
  • Keeping Students Engaged – Active learning strategies to maintain interest.
  • Managing Disruptions – Techniques for handling inattentiveness, side conversations, and disrespect.


The Pressure To Succeed: Is It Self Imposed or Societal?

  • What does "success" mean to you? Has your definition changed over time?
  • Do you think the pressure to succeed comes more from yourself or from society? Why?
  • How does social media affect how we measure success?
  • If you could remove one societal expectation about success, what would it be?


主持老師:Jessica李錦雲老師    活動時段:每週二15:10-16:00   建議參與程度:無程度限制





  • What charities do people support where you live?
  • What type of charities do you think people should support?
  • How many charities do you think exist in your local community? And in your country? Explain what some of these charities do.



  • Which food group in the infographic do you eat the most of? Which do you eat the least of?
  • Which do you waste the most? Why?
  • Why do you think people, restaurants, and supermarkets waste food?



  • Do you think it’s important to have better mental health or better physical health? Why?
  • Can you give any evidence or provide any statistic to support an idea you have about dieting?
  • What benefits are there to eating healthy food?
  • Discuss a good strategy for improving your diet.



·         Have you had a job or any paid work before? Did you like it? Why? Or why not?

·         What kind of work do you want to do when you finish school?

·         Are you the kind of person who prefers a busy city or the peace of the countryside?

·         Have you ever had to share a bedroom or work space with anyone? What was it like?



  • When did you first get a cell phone? Why did you get it?
  • What do you think about driverless cars? Do you agree that they are safer? Why? Or why not?
  • Is there anything you don’t like about driving or cars? Why?



  • Which of the things successful people do is the most important? Why?
  • Which of the things in the infographic do you already do? Do you think they will make you successful?
  • When have you enjoyed success? What did you do to celebrate?



  • If you are stressed, does it affect how well you perform in tests?
  • What is the latest thing you read or saw in the news? How did it affect people?
  • What made you tense recently? Why?


Managing pressure

  • Which idea do you think is the most/ least helpful for managing stress?
  • What are some things that can cause stress or pressure?
  • Which tips can help reduce the stress for things you mentioned?  What are some other ways to manage stress or pressure?



  • What else happens to your body when you are afraid?
  • What do you think are the most common fears?
  • When was the last time you were afraid? What happened?
  • Do you have any phobias?



  • Do an online review for a product that has an interesting innovative feature.
  • What is the product? Do you like it?
  • Would you recommend it to your friends? Why or why not?


主持老師:Mike李國仲老師       活動時段:每週三13:10-14:00   








  • Smooth and effective communication




Life stories of famous people


Memorable event – unforgettable experience


Life before and after AI


A road less travelled


The return of conservatism


Current events - headline news


Trends in popular culture and technology


Identity and social media


若要預約Roundtable,請點此連結 https://reurl.cc/QEOx62