113學年度第2學期全英語教學助理補助申請公告 (National Taipei University EMI Teaching Assistant Subsidy Application (Spring Semester 2025))


一、 國立臺北大學雙語化學習辦公室(以下稱本辦公室)依「國立臺北大學鼓勵各院精進成為雙語重點培育學院補助要點」第三條之規定為原則辧理全英語教學助理補助,以支持教師推動全英語授課課程 (EMI),提升教學效能與品質。

二、 經費來源:本補助之經費由教育部大專校院學生雙語化學習計畫經費支應。補助課程數及金額依當年度預算調整之。本辦公室保留隨時調整、暫停或終止全英語教學助理補助之權利。

三、 補助金額:每門全英語授課課程 (EMI) 之全英語教學助理將補助新台幣10000~15000元。

四、 申請資格:補助對象為本校教師所開設之全英語授課課程 (EMI),每位教師以申請補助1門全英語授課課程 (EMI) 為限。

五、 申請日期:即日起至2025年2月23日 (日) 止。

六、 申請方式:由授課教師提出申請,申請連結:https://reurl.cc/r3VnXx

七、 申請教師若已有指定全英語教學助理人選,請提供該生之姓名及聯絡相關資訊。若申請教師無指定全英語教學助理人選,本辦公室將提供通過「EMI/ESAP教學助理培訓」之學生名單予教師參考。

八、 全英語教學助理聘任資格:

(一)  本校日間部三年級以上在學學生。(含碩、博士班)
(二)  擔任全英語教學助理之學生當學期不得同時選修該門課程。
(三)  當學期擬聘用之全英語教學助理,通過本辦公室辦理之「 EMI/ESAP 教學助理培訓」者為佳。
(四)  英語能力達CEFR B2以上者為佳。

九、 審查準則:

(一)  以當學期開課成功之課程為主。
(二)  補助優先順序如下:

1. 參與本辦公室舉辦之「全英語授課 (EMI) 教師培訓計畫」之高階、中階或初階教師培訓,並取得EMI 教師培訓證書者,或參與本辦公室認定之校外EMI教師培訓課程並取得證書者。
2. 推薦全英語教學助理通過「EMI/ESAP教學助理培訓」者。
3. 必修課程優先於選修課程。

(三)  該門課程若已獲教發中心或商學院辦理之EMI教學助理補助,本辦公室將不再重複補助。
(四)  審核結果本辦公室將以電子郵件通知獲補助教師。

十、 教師配合相關事項:

(一)  推薦擔任全英語教學助理之學生參加本辦公室辦理之「113-2 EMI/ESAP教學助理培訓」為佳。
(二)  當學期協助填寫【教師】聘請EMI教學助理協助全英語授課課程之需求及評估問卷調查,填寫時間依本辦公室電子郵件通知為準。
(三)  獲全英語教學助理補助之學生,全英語教學助理之聘用及工作時數審核,將由教師自行處理或請英語教學助理協助處理。
(四)  全英語教學助理工作內容皆由教師與全英語教學助理雙方自行協商。
(五)  可聘僱時間為本學期補助名單公告日 (或實際完成聘用日) 起至2025年6月6日 (五) 止。
(六)  申請教師如獲補助,須確實依照規定辦理,並督促全英語教學助理配合完成當學期規定之相關事項。

十一、 學生配合相關事項:

(一)  參加本辦公室辦理之「113-2 EMI/ESAP教學助理培訓」為佳。
(二)  當學期配合填寫【學生】擔任EMI教學助理需求及反饋問卷調查,填寫時間依本辦公室電子郵件通知為準。
(三)  擔任全英語教學助理期間,至少參加一次EMI顧問提供之EMI TA工作服務觀課或EMI TA工作服務增能諮詢,諮詢時間請依本辦公室公告為主。
(四)  全英語教學助理請依聘約書所寫月份,在當月月底前至學校網站-人事室-學生兼任助理專區-1.5兼職助理勞健保整合系統填寫當月工作時數並送審。
(五)  完成教師交辦事項,具體工作內容皆由全英語教學助理與教師雙方自行協商確定。

十二、 如有未盡事宜,本辦公室得隨時補充或修正,對於本補助有修改及最後解釋之權力。


聯絡人:國立臺北大學雙語化學習辦公室 查該莉 助理
電話:(2) 886-2-8674-1111 #66951




1.  The National Taipei University Bilingual Education Office (BEO) provides subsidies for English Medium Instruction Teaching Assistants (EMI TAs) in line with Article 3 of the "Directives of Subsidy for Promoting Key Cultivation Colleges for the BEST Program." This program supports teachers offering English Medium Instruction (EMI) courses, aiming to enhance teaching effectiveness and quality.


2.  Funding: This subsidy is supported by the Program on Bilingual Education for Students in College (BEST). The number of subsidized courses and the subsidy amounts are subject to the annual budget. The BEO reserves the right to modify, suspend, or terminate the EMI TA subsidy program anytime.

3.  Subsidy Amount: Each EMI course can receive an EMI TA subsidy ranging from NT$10,000 to NT$15,000.


4.  Eligibility: All NTPU teachers offering EMI courses are eligible to apply. Each teacher may only apply for one EMI course TA subsidy.


5.  Application Deadline: Applications are open until Sunday, February 23, 2025.


6.  Application Procedure: Teachers should submit their applications via the following link: https://reurl.cc/r3VnXx


7.  EMI TA Information: If you already have a chosen EMI TA, please provide their name and contact details in your application. If you do not have an EMI TA candidate, the BEO will provide you with a list of students who have completed the "EMI/ESAP TA Training Program" for your consideration.


8.  EMI TA Qualifications:

(1)  Must be an NTPU undergraduate (third year or above), master's, or doctoral student enrolled in the day division.
(2)  Students cannot be enrolled in the course they serve as an EMI TA.
(3)  Preference will be given to students who have completed the BEO's "EMI/ESAP TA Training Program."
(4)  Ideally, EMI TAs should have a CEFR B2 level or higher English proficiency.


9.  Selection Criteria:

(1)  Subsidies are primarily granted for courses running successfully this semester.
(2)  Subsidies are prioritized as follows:

i.   Teachers who have completed the BEO's "EMI Teacher Training" (senior, junior, or entry-level) and received a certificate, or who have completed BEO-recognized off-campus EMI teacher training and received a certificate.
ii.  Recommended EMI TAs who have passed the "EMI/ESAP TA Training Program."
iii. Required courses will be given priority over elective courses.

(3)  Courses already receiving an EMI TA subsidy from the Faculty Development and Teaching Resources Center or the College of Business will not be eligible for this subsidy.
(4)  The BEO will notify successful applicants of the review results via email.

10.  Teacher Responsibilities:

(1)  Teachers are encouraged to recommend their EMI TAs to participate in the "113-2 EMI/ESAP TA Training Program" offered by the BEO.
(2)  Teachers are required to complete the "[Teacher] EMI TA Recruitment Needs Analysis and Feedback Survey" when notified by the BEO.
(3)  Teachers are responsible for managing the EMI TA's employment and working-hour review or may delegate this responsibility to the EMI TA.
(4)  Teachers and EMI TAs should agree on the EMI TA's responsibilities.
(5)  The employment period for EMI TAs runs from the date the subsidy list is announced (or the actual employment start date) until Friday, June 6, 2025.
(6)  Subsidy recipients must adhere to these regulations and ensure their EMI TAs fulfill their required duties.


11.  EMI TA Responsibilities:

(1)  EMI TAs are encouraged to participate in the "113-2 EMI/ESAP TA Training Program" the BEO offers.
(2)  EMI TAs are required to complete the "[Student] NTPU EMI TA Needs Analysis and Feedback Survey" when notified by the BEO.
(3)  EMI TAs must participate in at least one EMI TA in-work service observation or consultation session with an EMI consultant during their employment. Consultation schedules will be announced by the BEO.
(4)  EMI TAs must record their monthly working hours in the NTPU system (Personnel Office > Student Part-time Assistant Area > 1.5 Part-time Assistant Labor and Health Insurance Integration System) before the end of each month, as specified in their appointment letter, and submit them for review.
(5)  EMI TAs must complete tasks assigned by the teacher. The specific tasks should be agreed upon by the teacher and the EMI TA.


12.  Amendments: The BEO reserves the right to supplement or amend these regulations at any time and has the final interpretation of these subsidy guidelines.


For any questions, please contact:
Gaili, Assistant, Bilingual Education Office, National Taipei University
Email: chagaili7408@gm.ntpu.edu.tw
Tel: (02) 886-2-8674-1111 ext. 66951