113學年度學士班新生「語文通識-大學英文」課程分班及分班測驗說明 Information on Class Placement and Placement Test for Freshmen in the General Education—College English Course for the Academic Year 2024/2025


1. 自113學年度起語言中心不再辦理期初及期末「校內多益英語能力測驗」
Starting from the academic year 2024, the Language Center will no longer conduct the pre- and post-college English course “TOEIC English Proficiency Test” within the school.


2. 本校規定日間部學士班新生除已達本校【抵免】或【免修】標準者外,皆必須修習「語文通識-大學英文」課程4學分。
According to NTPU academic regulations, all the freshmen in the day division bachelor program, except those who meet the credit transfer or exemption standards, must complete 4 credits of the General Education
College English course.


3. 113學年度入學新生:【語文通識-大學英文】依學測成績或同學繳交之英檢成績分班(英檢成績文件請至學生資訊系統上傳)無學測成績且未繳交英檢成績者,需參加本校語言中心舉辦之分班測驗,詳細測驗時間、地點及方式請看第7點。

For freshmen admitted in the academic year 2024: The General Education—College English course will be assigned based on the results of the CEEC General Scholastic Ability Test or the specified English proficiency test scores submitted by the students (Please upload documents of proof to the student information system). Students who neither have GSAT college entrance exam scores nor submit English proficiency test scores will need to participate in the placement test organized by the Language Center. Please see the Artical 7 for detailed test times, location and methods .

The Language Center will allot classes based on the test results, and students do not need to select courses through the course selection system (this is a full-year course, and class changes are not allowed in the second semester).


4. 應參加而未參加本中心辦理之「分班測驗」者則一律不得修習「語文通識-大學英文」課程,請於下一學年度到本中心登記上課時間。
Those who should but fail to take the placement test organized by the Language Center will not be allowed to enroll in the General Education program.
College English course and must register for the course at the Language Center in the following academic year.

5. 「語文通識-大學英文」持校外英語檢定【抵免】或【免修】申請時間:
Application periods for credit transfer or exemption for the General Education—College English course by specified English proficiency test are as follows:
(1) Online applications are open until August 26, 2024. Please upload documents of proof to the student information system.
(2) Paper applications are accepted until September 19, 2024. Please bring documents of proof to the Language Center (Room 308, Humanities Building, 3rd floor) to apply.


6. 有關本校大學英語文課程抵免或免修條件,請參考「國立臺北大學英語文課程抵免及免修辦法」。並隨時注意語言中心、學生資訊系統首頁、學校網頁之公告,各項資訊以最新公告為準。
For the conditions of credit transfer or exemption for the university's English courses, please refer to the Regulations of College English Course Credit Transfer and Exemption at National Taipei University. Please stay updated by regularly checking the announcements on the Language Center's website, the student information system homepage, and the university website. All information is subject to change, according to the latest announcements.


7. 113學年度學士班「大學英文」課程分班測驗說明:
Description of the placement test for the day program General Education: College English courses in the academic year 2024/2025

Please be informed that this placement test is designed for General Education: College English courses and cannot be used for Credit Transfer or Exemption.

  (1)Eligible participants:
      Incoming first-year students (day programs) of the academic year 2024/2025 who have neither English scores on the General Scholastic Ability Test (GSAT) nor have submitted their English test scores.


      (A)113/09/05(四) 13:30-15:00、15:00-16:30及16:30-18:00共三場次
      (B)113/09/11(三) 08:30-10:00、13:30-15:00及15:00-16:30共三場次
  (2)Test date: Choose one of the following sessions to participate.
     (A)2024/09/05 (Thursday) 13:30-15:00, 15:00-16:30 and 16:30–18:00, three sessions in total.
     (B) 2024/09/11 (Wednesday) 08:30-10:00, 13:30-15:00, and 15:00-16:30, three sessions in total.


  (3)Test Location:
      Room 506, Humanities Building, 5th floor

      請於113/09/03 23:00前至以下網址申請:請按此登記

  (4)How to apply:
      Please apply at the following website before 2024/09/03 23:00:Please click here


Please handle matters regarding the Regulations of College English Course Credit Transfer and Exemption at National Taipei University (see the URL below) by contacting the department assistants, the Registration Section, the Curriculum Section, and the Language Center to avoid affecting your personal rights and graduation credit progress.


National Taipei University Regulations for Course Selection

Regulations of College English Course Credit Transfer and Exemption at National Taipei University


聯絡方式 (Contact Information):
教務處語言中心 (Office of Academic Affairs Language Center)
TEL: 02-8674-1111 # 66477~66481
E-mail: lc@mail.ntpu.edu.tw

教務處 課務組 (Office of Academic Affairs Curriculum Section)


教務處 註冊組 (Office of Academic Affairs Registration Section)
