歡迎參加加拿大多倫多大學Kerstin Sandstrom講師系列講座

國際種子計畫本次邀請到的講者為來自多倫多大學的Kerstin Sandstrom。Kerstin Sandstrom 從事以英語為第二語言(English as a Second Language,ESL) 教學工作超過 20 年,目前是多倫多大學學術聽力和口語的首席講師。Kerstin本次將辦理兩場線上演講,歡迎踴躍報名參加。
 Session 1-Student Workshop
【Topic】Listen, Capture, Succeed: Building Successful Academic Strategies
【Abstract】Are you ready to bring your listening and note-taking skills to the next level? Let’s look at how to improve your academic listening, which includes your ability to process the lecture information before, during, and after the lecture class.
【Date & Time】12/4(Wed.)20:00-21:00
【Venue】Online(The link will be provided 2 days before the event.)

Session 2- Teacher Forum
【Topic】The Supportive Listening Cycle: Building Successful Listening
【Abstract】In this workshop, we will look at the 5-step process for successful listening and note-taking, as well as explore how to build a supportive listening cycle into materials and practice for both class lesson plans and for solo work outside of class.
【Date & Time】12/10(Tue.)8:30-9:30
【Venue】Online(The link will be provided 2 days before the event.)
Registration Deadline (all sessions ): Before Dec.2(Mon.) noon