3/4 (二) Roundtable 活動預約尚有名額, 歡迎同學報名


3/4 (二) Roundtable 活動預約尚有名額, 歡迎同學報名


時間: 3/4(二)下午15:10-16:00

地點: 人文大樓418室

講師: 李錦雲老師


  • What charities do people support where you live?
  • What type of charities do you think people should support?
  • How many charities do you think exist in your local community? And in your country? Explain what some of these charities do.

此課程報名延長至2/25(一)下午4點止, 2/26下午前公告名單


預約連結 https://reurl.cc/WA9koL